Unexpected Choices

Design Project Center

Senior project

Spring 2022

Mckinley Kreitner, Olivia Smith, Mallory Jarrett, Nathan Nye, Natalie Tang

Designing and developing an exhibit for the West Michigan Graphic Design Archives that showcases the ways graphic design has explained products, expanded audiences, and built businesses.
The changes in direction and intersecting type in the Unexpected Choices mark reflects designers finding new ways to create solutions that entertain and delight.
To learn more about each company in the exhibit, how to visit the exhibit, and details on exhibit development, visit www.unexpectedchoices.com. Evolution The header graphic is a video that evolved throughout the exhibit. Before the exhibit, we created videos of our 3D renderings to create excitement. As the exhibit opened, we added footage of individuals engaging in the physical space. My contribution to this website was determining the scope of the content and the UI.
Utilizing pieces in the exhibit, we created eye-catching promotional assets to drive traffic to the Unexpected Choices website.
Our concept is that design isn’t about the dollar amount that it will bring a company; it’s about making an impression and the value that impression builds over time. Industries that recognized this were and still are visionaries for the future of design, having taken the initial risk with their investment in designers.
As the majority of the audience members are students of Ferris State University who may not have a background in design, we wanted to utilize scale, shape, and color to entice students walking by to learn about the value of design.
This box display creates additional dimension in the exhibit space while also providing additional insight into how design creates value for businesses.